Tuesday, April 28, 2009

lonely and boring..


during this 4 months of holidays, i think i never ever gain anything that is priceless, meaningful or useful....

but there something that makes me feel better...i lose weight....
so unexpected...because it is holidays and i eat a lot...
never gain but lose only....

the thing is...i feel very boring..
don't know why....
still..i try to help myself 2 be a better person day after day by doing something that is not stupid o wasting time...
but just couldn't find the rite way to really achieve what i really want...
is it because not enough effort that i put in... or maybe there are other factors that lead to this thing...? or is it just another bad moment in my life...?
can't quite figure it out rite now...
sometimes i think, why is it so difficult to be a person with the attitude "happy go lucky" ?
is it because of my past?
or is it because the bad things that I've done to other people or my friends...?
or is it just does not suites me?
Oh God,please help me....!
i just want to be like other people who can live with or without their problems with happy feelings and and have a bright day in my daily life...i know that it is impossible to have a good moment everyday in our life..
sometimes i feel lonely...being at home while my friends still at the campus doing their study and
having lectures day and night...fuh..
i really miss that thing...wake up early in the morning,rushing and running not to be late for classes...hopefully time will past as fast as possible so that i don't have to wait longer and throw away this lonely and boring things far away from my life.....

i hope next month my knee will be better than this month and i hope can run like always quickly and ahead of the schedule...so i can run anywhere that i want...
maybe at the beach or somewhere else but not while playing football or rugby..not this year...

2day, some of my friends will register at IIUM for short sem....
hope they will be fine like always....
gudluck to all of them!

to anyone who reads this post..please..
if you have any opinion or suggestions do tell me okey..?
because my friend used to say this to me..."always all ways"
maybe i just could not find it...

thanks for reading n sorry for any grammatical errors...:)


1 comment:

  1. hhuhu..
    cm sdey je bunyi nye..
    tp part hepi go lucky..
    and bad things dat u had done 2 others,
    asl rse cm pnah dgr jek...
    is there anythg dat related 2 me??
