Sunday, November 22, 2009


mende ni..4 bende ni...ak pn xtahu la..mane satu yg btul n mane satu yg 50-50 n mane satu yg xbtuln mane satu yg berkecuali...

hidup ni mcm2 org ade...
ble ckp psl agama lg best...siap ade yg ckp cmni..

"kalo nk cari gdo..bincangla psl agama.." haha..
xsepatutnye jd mcm 2..
tp 2la hakikatnye..

tp skg yg best...ske tgk org melakon kn watak2 hipokrit dlm hidup siot..
ak nk tegur pn cm ...sape jela ak
ble ak ckp cm ni...myb ade org akn ckp...

"sedangkan org yg minum arak pn,kalo die nasihatkn kte,kte kne dgr..."

btul x...?

tp..kalo ak trus tegur...mungkin org akn kate... "eleh...ko dlu pn cm 2 kurang nye..."

haha...ak ske ble pk mende2 ni..n bg korg..mst anggp mende ni xde pekdah lgsg 2la..
dlm situasi cm ni..
ape pilihan yg ptut kte bt... ptt tegur..?
or patut bt xthu je...?

yg lg best...dlu..ak pnh kapel...nk kate satu penyesalan pn xjugak nyesal 2 adela...haha..sbb bdo sgt tyme 2..myb sbb nk ade gf je kot cm org len..xnk ngalah..last2..makan dri sdri...haha..yg best nye..bkn ak nk kate yg kapel skg ni ade tujuan akhir....ape matlamat kapel...n kapel 2 kerana ape...
adakah kamu menyintai nye kerana Allah...? kerana..itulah sebaik2 cinta...mane yg kwn2 ak yg tgh or otw nk kapel..pkir2 kan la..
ak nsht dri ak jugak..sbb ak rs cm hepy je tgk kwn2 ak yg da kawin...mle2...mmg ak plek...awl gle korg kawin weh..rumate ak plak 2...die gelak je...
pas 2...
bru ak tau cte..
die dlu tyme mle2 approach bini die...gne islamic nye care...sbb 2la kawin awl..ble parents da setuju...kawin jela..

pas de org akn kate...mcmne la nk bg bini die 2 makan...blaja pn xabeh mmg ak...2bkn alasan...sbb...die pikir ikut care laen...die tahu...ble mendirikn umah tangge atas name Allah...insyaAllah..akn dimurahkn rezki bagi mereka....n hidup ni..xsemesti nye mengejar kekayaan kejayaan..dunia da akhirat...

ak akui..ak mmg jht...perfect 2 jauh skali...jht yg ak mksd kn ni bkn la merompak ke ape ke kn...just bende2 yg xptut ak bt...ak bt,2mslh ak skg...2je...ak xtahu la ble nk dpt ubah mende 2..

ckp psl ubah or berubah slalu ckp....manusia boleh berubah...
n Allah pn bt sdri...xde bantuan org ak pendapat ak la..bkn mksd ak utk ckp yg pe yg Allah ckp 2 xbtul..jgn slh phm...

bg ak...manusia ni ssh nk berubah...sgt2 ssh..lg2 ble da yg bley menyebabkn seseorg tu berubah...?


2la yg bley bt org berubah...termasuklah ngn org2 yg dipilih oleh Allah utk diberikan hidayah oleh-Nya...

mcm de sorg ni...nk kate kwn pn..nthla..
xtahu la ak...kwn la cm pe je...ak pn xtahu npe...ak try cntct xde respon...n then..ble die respon...die kate ak sakitkn ati die...haha..ak pn xtahu npe ngn die...plek jugak...ak tny la...die jwb nth...ak rs...die smpn dlm ati la 2 kot..n die ialah seorg perempuan...yg myb..ak xkn respect da...ok..korg mungkin akn kate..sape ak xnk respect org len..mcm la ak ni hbt sgt kn....

tp xpe..korg nk kate ape pn kate ak...ak ske n rs ape yg dr house ckp bnyk yg btul..wlpn die nye care xbtul..just amik yg bek saje...

die kate....

"people get what they get...not what they want or deserve...."
"i respect people who deserves respect"

haha...yg ni bg ak mmg btul..xde slh nye pe yg die ckp ni....sbb...kalo pk2 blik..logik....

ak bg cnth...dlm game 90 minit...kate kn A ball possesion die 70% pas 2 team B plak team B yg menang....mst org akn kate....

"ooo..kami sepatutnye menang sbb kami kawal game...."

tp...last2..what counts...? the goal scored....btul x...?

haha...ak pn da pening da...nk tulis ape lg pn xtau...

tp yg sesuatu..bia ade matlamat n tujuan...ade mutual understanding...dont plan for failure....or think what if sumthing fails...think how to prevent it...or find the solution...but prepare for the worst..not taking anything 4 granted....



Saturday, November 14, 2009



huuuuuuuuuuu..lame gle xtulih kt sni...mst blog ni marah gle kt ak kn...
tp xpe..

bnyk bende ak nk tulih kali ni....

1st nye psl 1st sem ak kt hampeh je...sbb ak xreti nk sedar lg ak da besar...asyik nk men je....xnk lgsg jd rajin cm org len..pas 2 dpt result truk mula la nk sem depan...
insayaAllah ak nk cari balik kerajinan ak 2...hehe..

pas 2....kt sne(uia)...kwn2 pn ok aje...just ade la sorg dua yg cm xok..asyik nk pangkah je ak..ak pn xphm npe...myb sbb ak slalu bt kt org dlu la ak xla bt cm die bt kt ak ******* xpe..ak da mls nk lyn die..sbb bt ak sakit ati je...

pas 2 lutut ak plak da jd bek sket n ak pn da stat men futsal blik..lega gle rs...hehe...
just xleh la nk jd cm dlu...sem dpn akn mencabar gle2 je..tiap2 hari kul 830 class stat...abeh la ak nnt...=(

lagi ape ek....

ha...skg ni...ak mmg bosan...sng cte..hidup pn cm xhidup je...or cm bek xyh hidup...xmenyumbang lgsg...sbb bnyk sgt pk mse dpn smp mse yg tengah berjalan ni ak lpe nk yg ak pkir skg..ak nk jd cikgu je nnt lpas da grad..ak xtau npe.. ak cte kt kwn2 ak kt uia..mst dorg kte npe la ak give up awl sgt...mst ak xleh nk score da pas ni sbb da bt mind set cm 2...ak just bia la pe korg nk pikir pn..bkn ak xnk amik nasihat dorg...just...."just because"...

pas 2 plak...skg ni..makin ramai plak kwn2 sekolah rendah ak juncul kembali entah dari mane pn ak bgus gk la..

org ckp....hidup ni mcm roda...ak pn pkir cm 2 gk...kejap atas kjap kt "atas" n "bawah" 2 ape snanye mksdnye....ak pn xphm...same la macam org kate...wlpn xde senario nye same...bila kte rase kate kte bnyk kte xkn ckp "ko bnyk pahala la 2..."..btul x..? npe npe n npe...?

bg ak....hidup ni mudah je..kalo bt bek...bek la balasan nye n vice versa....pandangan ak jela..ak cm da xberape terima da yg roda 2...hehe..

lps 2....kte mmg xleh nk arapkan sesuatu yg lebih dari ape yg kte telah usahakan...ak igt gle kate2 cikgu pojiah ak dlu ni...ble ak failed je or xpdt markah yg ak arapkan..mst phrase ni kua dlm otak ak...n mende ni mmg Allah da sebut pn dlm Al-quran..ak xigt plak ayat ade la dlm discussion kteorg ari 2...

ha...ble sebut psl ni...ak sgt2 suka "usrah" di uia...wlpn 2 ow..bnyk input...agk berbeze la ngn yg kt jenan dlu..hehe...myb sbb suasana n nme uia 2 sdri kot....=)

pe lagi ak nk tulih ni ek...?

skg ni satu lg mende yg slalu bermain dipkiran ak..."MATI"...fuh..takut seyh..smp nk bwk moto pn jd tkut....

smp sni lu kot...nnt ak tulih lg yer...



Monday, August 24, 2009


huhuh..lame gle xtulih kt sni....

hurm...skg da bln pose...aap bln ni dpt ubh sket dri ak ni jd yg bek sket....
ak tau..kdg2 ak org xphm...npe ak wat g2,..
plek btul...
so far blaja kt uia ni...agk2 mencabar la berbanding kt asasi dlu...
asyik nk kne ngadap bku je..xkre mse...haha..kt umh pn jd g2...
ngn lect sume international lecturer...
hurm..arap ak leh survive least dis 1st sem...huhuhu..

utk korg semue....jd kn bulan pose sbg platform...


Friday, July 17, 2009

tempat baru!


ahernye msk gak ak kt main campus kt gombak...
mle2 ak expects ta'aruf week will be much more disappointing..
lucky was gud compare 2others...haha..
only 3 days and no night programs..
yeehaaaa... yg xsyok...dpt blik yg kecik mle2...ngn terk n azman..pas2 kne xdpt join..satu mende yg sedey gk r....wlpn de slh phm xpe...

blik yg bru ni de foreigner...sorg somalia sorg sudan..haha..seperti yg ak amt arap2kn..
dorg cm frenly...speaking pn ok...nsb bek sgt...bkn cm satu blik ni yg geng2 cine die ckp bhs arab aje...mmg ak xkn phm..

psl lectures plak......semua foreigner gk..excepts 4 ow..blaja bm blik..hahacm xcye je...
tp utk subject comp and general studies agk weng sket la..nmpk cm ssh je nk dpt elok..huhuhuh...

pape pn..ak kne try my best 2 succeed...hihihi..yg penting..
usaha utk berjaya n tawakal kpd Allah...kn2..??

tp sni ssh sket r nk mkn tyme lunch kalo de klas tgh ari..da la engineering nye kulliyyah xde cafe..plek2...wlpn de 7 xde cafe..
how kne tgu ptg gk r pas class bru leh jmp nasi..yg tmpt len nye cafe cm mhl sketla...

anyway...mgu dpn da start serious lectures..hope everythings gonna be okey....!!


Sunday, July 5, 2009

da dkt....

tgl lg bpe jam je lagi utk ak memulakan satu lg bende baru dlm hidup ak...
sepanjang mgu ni...ak asyik stress je...asyik kne kongkong ngn family ak..
ak pn xtahu npe..sdeye2..
kdg2..smp nanges..haha..memalukan btull...

myb de sbb parents ak bt g2...2la yg kwn2 ak yg tau mslh ak ckp kt ak...

slase ni..insyaAllah ak akn gerak ngn bekas roomate ak utk dftr d UIA gmbk...
sbb die dpt mahallah len upenye..
tp xpe...yg penting dftr..sbb da 4 bln cti...mcm bdo je jd duk kt umh ni..

ak arap...sme nye berjalan lancar..

xsabar rs nye nk msk tmpt bru..hihihi


Friday, June 26, 2009

nape nk kne cm 2??


da lme gle xtulih kt sni....
slalu nye kalo ak da tension gle2 bru la ak carik mende ni nk luah kn prasaan....

ssh ow...da la lg bpe mgu je ak nk start blaja blk lps dkt 4 bln cti...mmg exited, tp ak tau ak akn jd gle jap utk beberape mgu pertama kt tmpt bru nnt...
kwn2 kate, mmg ssh hidup sbg student ak rs2...mende 2 leh je kalo nk overcome...just it takes time je kot...hahaha..arap2 g2 la...

sepanjang ak xtulis blog ni...mcm2 bende blaku...
re-u yg plg ak rs dlm sme 2 yg len...wlpn siyes..mmg best!!!

yg len bnyk kpd sedey,xpn sbb ak sdri yg emo xtentu psl...haha..
lg2 kalo mende2 yg melibatkn parents ak...ssh btul kdg2...
tdo lmbt slh...tdo awl slh...xtdo pn slh..hua..
ak smp xtau nk wat cmne...penin2...bek ak xde je kot..
tp seb bek la si kecik 2 ade..
leh gk wat ak gelak2 ble boring mlm2...hahaha...

lg 2mgu..xsmp pn.
ak nk dftr msk gmbk da (main campus)...
bapak ak leh plak ckp die suh ak g sdri je...wa...sdey gle ak pe je..bkn jauh pn..xyh amk cti pn xpe..
smp tgh ari je...
die xabes2 ngn keje die...ak cm da bosan gle dgr die cte psl keje die...blk umh je cte psl keje...keje..keje..keje...

lps ak bermsm mke ngn die..xbckp sgt ngn die..bru la die kte nk g anta...ak rs cm xpyh la kalo cm 2...sbb..ak rs die cm terpakse je wat g2...kalo ngn adik2 ak yg len...xyh tgu dorg mntk..ayah ak akn mntk cti trus..
ke kltn pn xde hal nye...hahhaa..sian ak jd ank sulung gni..

tp xpela...mende ni pengajaran utk ak..
pas ni kalo ak da ade ank nnt...insyaAllah ak xbt gni kt ank2 ak..ak bkn marah..just ak sedey....ak tau..dorg mmg syg ak..
ak pn syg 2la..manusia ni kdg2 die lupa..n of course xperfect..wlpn ak tunjuk kn sikap yg mcm krg aja 2,ak arap dorg phm npe ak bt g2...

bln 7 pn da nk msk...rejab da msk ari ke 3 da...pose pn da xlme la kot kalo g2...
hidup ak still cm dlu..
perngai buruk ak yg xmelibatkn org len masih xdpt ak nk buang..huhuhu..ble la agk nye ak nk dpt buang..ya Allah..bantu la ak yg lemah ini........


Saturday, May 30, 2009


lme gle xtulih kt sni..
dkt2 sbulan gk la sbb laptop ku bermslh sket LCD die..
cm tahik je...hahaha...

dlm sbln ni mmg bnyk mende yg ak lalui....
de yg sdey n de yg bese....
tp yg sdey nye bdk 2 da stat lpe da kt senpai die...huhuhu..myb bz gle kot blja nye...
yg hepy plak...
cm xde je...haha..myb part yg adek ak dpt pe yg die nk kot...
boring gle2 ble laptop ak xde..
seb bek la kwn2 ak dr srwk blk....dorg meneman ak mlm2...
tipa2 mlm kmi kua..haha...mmg enjoy gle...parents ak plak cm xkte ape...plek jgk la...agk nye sbb ak da 20 kdg2 kne gk sound....hehehe...

tp mmg sunyi gle ar blah matahari duk menyinari msia nih....
ltt ak pn nsb bek la da ok..
leh la ak jog ptg2....hehehe..

tp kpd kohai 2..
pndai2 la ek jge dri kmu....huhuhu...

esk ak nk p re-u dak2 sekolah ak dlu...
cm best je dgr sbb rmai yg dtg..
hope 2 enjoy n dapat berlari2 kt pantai 2....mcm yg ak impikan awl2 dlu....:-)

k..mau tdo......
kiotsukete kohai.....


Thursday, April 30, 2009

doing the right thing maybe not the right thing to do..


what a night was last night,...
my dad just arrived home and went to see me at my room...
i don't know what was his intention at the first place... he sat next to my while i was playing counter strike...haha
then i start talking,asking about the car at the workshop...

suddenly i jumped to a sensitive issue....currently the hottest issue between he and his friends and our family....
before this i didn't any opinion on the issue because i think it is not suitable for me to get involved in...but this time i made a decision to give some thought about the issue...

all of sudden my dad just keep quiet and just listening to what i were saying....his face turned to a sad mode...
i fired all my thoughts without thinking the consequences that could happen...because i think that if i keep shutting my mouth it will become much worse that he could imagine....

he agreed on what i said to him....but there's nothing he can do... that what was he said....yes!! that's what he should do i nothing! just let it be...and see what would happen...he keeps defending his friend but not thinking the other part of his friend feelings....i was so sad...everyone make mistakes in their life but some can be corrected or forgiven...but some are just like nothing that we can do...we have to face it and think it on the positive ways i think....i know..on his mind it was the right thing to reconnect the fact it was the right thing to do if,if both parties are willingly to only one will ruined everything.....for me and my suggestion is my dad's friend should think about the past that he had done and take this as an effect of what he had done....start over again and don't disturb other people's life just to make you feel happy,comfortable, not lonely of confused...think about others too!! please....!

it stopped there,thank God my dad didn't get angry or anything like that...maybe i should give this thought long2 ago..I'm just afraid that i would get scold because interrupting...haha.. i hope he will understand what i said to him...actually my mum encourage me to tell him about this....i think i made the right decision....but some say that, "doing the right think maybe not the right thing to do"...weird right...but it is true...

i think i write too much already...i just can't sleep and think i should write this...silly me..:)


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

lonely and boring..


during this 4 months of holidays, i think i never ever gain anything that is priceless, meaningful or useful....

but there something that makes me feel better...i lose weight....
so unexpected...because it is holidays and i eat a lot...
never gain but lose only....

the thing is...i feel very boring..
don't know why....
still..i try to help myself 2 be a better person day after day by doing something that is not stupid o wasting time...
but just couldn't find the rite way to really achieve what i really want...
is it because not enough effort that i put in... or maybe there are other factors that lead to this thing...? or is it just another bad moment in my life...?
can't quite figure it out rite now...
sometimes i think, why is it so difficult to be a person with the attitude "happy go lucky" ?
is it because of my past?
or is it because the bad things that I've done to other people or my friends...?
or is it just does not suites me?
Oh God,please help me....!
i just want to be like other people who can live with or without their problems with happy feelings and and have a bright day in my daily life...i know that it is impossible to have a good moment everyday in our life..
sometimes i feel lonely...being at home while my friends still at the campus doing their study and
having lectures day and night...fuh..
i really miss that thing...wake up early in the morning,rushing and running not to be late for classes...hopefully time will past as fast as possible so that i don't have to wait longer and throw away this lonely and boring things far away from my life.....

i hope next month my knee will be better than this month and i hope can run like always quickly and ahead of the i can run anywhere that i want...
maybe at the beach or somewhere else but not while playing football or rugby..not this year...

2day, some of my friends will register at IIUM for short sem....
hope they will be fine like always....
gudluck to all of them!

to anyone who reads this post..please..
if you have any opinion or suggestions do tell me okey..?
because my friend used to say this to me..."always all ways"
maybe i just could not find it...

thanks for reading n sorry for any grammatical errors...:)


Monday, April 13, 2009

ragam org melayu....

smlm.....aku ngn ayah aku nk g gunting rambut....

kebetulan plak dkt tmpt 2 dorg bru bkk pasar borong bru....

yg 2 bgus...sng utk org2 setempat ni...

tp yg aku sgt2 pelik.....npe dorg ske parking kete dora kt tempat yg xsepatut nye......???

padahal kt tmpt 2 telah disediakan tmpt parking yg cm bapak bnyk nk plak 2....

bkn sng nk jmp tempat cm2 kt kl nih....

aku ckp ngn ayah aku....npe la dorg cm 2...?

ayah aku pn balas.....kebnykn org melayu ni mmg g2.....tmpt2 cm ni mmg ske la parking xikut kalo g shopping complex ke ape ke...xkesah je parking kt tmpt tgi2 bertingkat2 pn...

bg melayu ni kdg2 malas xbertempat.....btul ke ea...??

correct me if i'm wrong.....


nk isi dgn ape....?


cti kali ni mmg ak boring tahap dewa la...

ke slh ak jgk sbb xamk shrt sem....??

ke slh timing mse utk recover dr operation ari 2...???

ak cm menyesal plak...

4bln...nk keje xley....nk lepak mlm2 pn xley....


amatla boring skali....

Sunday, April 12, 2009


aku sgt2 tension kebelakangan nih sbb pe...???

umh sblh ni duk bt renovation....

ok lg yg 2...

tp yg ak xtahan smp mlm dorg keje....

mmg bgs...tapi kalo ats bukit sorg2 bley la...

kt sni bkn nye xde org len yg hidup sme ngn dorg...

nth pape je....

mak aku penah sound dorg b4 ni...
tp cm xde efek je...

ak penin...

dorg ni ak je bli umh 2 yg mane umh 2 mmg da ok n antara yg tercantik dlm lorong ak....

tp die bt renovation 2 cm nk bt rumah bru...
abeh sme die pecahkn n bt baru...
dinding yg menghubungkn antara umh die n umh ak je yg die xpecahkn....

tiap2 ari duk dgr mesin gerudi 2 memekak...tension nk mampus ak....

n satu lg yg ak xpaham.....npe kebnykan mende yg dibuat kt malaysia ni "dibuat supaya ianya boleh dibuat lg..."

korg phm kn mksd ak..
cmne la nk ubh mende ni....



Saturday, April 11, 2009

happiness and sadness


ni kali pertama aku tulis kat blog ak nih, n aku bru nk blaja...

utk kali ni ak nk cte psl mende tajuk ak nih...wlpn cm tajuk yg memboringkan..

dlu ak xprasan mende ni berlaku...wlpn ak slalu dgr yg hidup ni bak roda...kejap ade kt ats n kejap de kt bwh...

tp bg ak sme 2 berkaitan ngn keputusan exams o yg sewaktu dgn nyye,bkn psl happiness or sadness...

tp sejak 4hari lalu aku mmg rs happy gle sbb dpt cntct blk org yg ak dah lme gle ak xdpt cntct time ak tgl kn skolah dlu....

mcm2 yg kteorg bual kn...

cme ble ak rs happy sgt tibe2 dtg fikiran smp ble mende ni akn bertahan....??

ak pn set kan otak ak supaya be ready to feel sad after this...

n mende tu mmg jd...
sbb bek la ak da ready wlpn ak rs sgt2 xbest utk rs sedeh....

tp life must keep going on kn....?

so smp ble2 pn ak kne pk g2.... after happy there will always sadness to replace it...n vice versa....

tp skg ni ak amat2 sdey.....
